Also, I'd like to say that I'm not dating to get re-married quickly or to fool around or whatever. I'm just hanging out with people. I'm having fun, no real expectations, and am seeing where it takes me. If I find the "love of my life," ok. If I meet a new friend; perfect! If nothing comes from it, that's a-ok! :)
There is so much that I apparently didn't know about dating. Especially online dating. I've been out of the scene for so long that everything has kinda changed. So it generally goes like this:
1. People find a person that they think they would get along with or are attracted to and message that person.
2. After a sufficient amount (socially acceptable) of messaging it either fades away or you move to the awesome part of giving them your number!
3. Then you text and in some instances, talk on the phone! Talking is pretty old school but I love it! It makes me feel like I'm 15 all over again. LOL.
4. If you make it past that... then you might meet!
Steps 1-3; I'm solid. It's the meeting part that I struggle in. I have to make an effort to meet up with people I don't know and don't have a real emotional connection with; albeit yet. My schedule sucks. I'm sure it's all my fault for not really making an effort but people can be pretty impatient. Some people are really patient and those guys are very nice!
So the blog this week is about the guys I've met. It hasn't been terrible. I'm not writing this to complain. I'm genuinely wondering what the fuck is going on here! I want to be clear. I have personally met some REALLY nice, cool people but unfortunately, that's not very interesting to people. LOL. I'm also wondering if there's anything to do about the crazies. Like, how do I get them to go away without being mean or an Order of Protection (J/K... but seriously).
So, I've gone out with a few guys and some have been fun and great, some are awkward and others I wonder how they managed to fool me into thinking they were normal.
They range in ages from 24 to 36. Their levels of education range from high school graduates to masters degrees. Anyway, the point is that the weirdos seem to outnumber the fun, nice and normal ones. Here are just a few examples of things that have been said or done:
- "Don't fuck up something that could be great. We are so close to fucking this up.... (after 2 dates)"
- Constant phone calls and texts, per hour, while I'm working, 8-5pm. (After hours is different.)
- Getting mad at me for working all the time. (My profile specifically says I work ALL THE TIME and that it's my main priority!
- "If you're not getting it from me, then you gotta be getting it from someone else." (What?! Just because I'm not having sex with you doesn't mean that I'm having sex with everyone else!)
Those are just a few of the winners. So, this just sounds crazy, right?! I mean we don't even know each other that well.
Anyway, again, some of these guys are great. I do want to give credit where credit is due. I've had some really nice guys who have planned some awesome date.
Maybe, I'm the weird one since I don't know how it goes. I'll continue to post updates about my adventures and ya'll can tell me whether I'm crazy or not!
Next time I write, I'll talk more about the dating rules and what I've learned!
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