Monday, June 3, 2013

El Blog-o

So, it just settled down for the day and I can't believe it's 5:33pm. What? !?!?!? Where did the time go? I'm tired, crabby and honegry!

Here comes the constant dilemma: Should I go home now (I've been up since 5) or should I work until 9 or 10? I always think, " Hey, there's always going to be work so don't stress so much on getting it all done," and/or  "I just need to finish all of this and I'll be satisfied."

I love helping people. I'm great at my job. I love being my own boss. I also do this because I want to be successful. So, as I sit here typing up this blog-o so that I can get a mental escape, I wonder whether or not I should go home. It's a constant battle between my journey to success and my balancing act called: life.

I grew up in the generation where I was always told I could be and do anything. Nothing could stop me; except me. That I could be ambitious, achieve all my goals and be successful if I just worked hard enough. However, as I sit here typing away, thinking of the list of sh*t I have to finish, I wonder: how am I going to get to TKD on time today? Can I fit it in on Tuesday? No, I have soccer. The rest of the week? Am I going to be too tired for Crossfit tomorrow morning? If I am, can I squeeze it in the afternoon? Can I get my trial on Wednesday continued? Blah, blah, blah....

So, here I sit, 5:43pm just 10 mins from when I started thinking,  "Why did I just waste all this time writing this?" I'm gonna go drink my protein shake. ;)



  1. Just so I could spend time to read this and comment on it.

  2. Palmer, I always love you're comments. Makes it all totally worth it! :)

  3. Usually I would just say "Suck it up", but seeing as you took time to write, I can take time to post a worthy comment.

    I learned a big lesson over the past couple years. Life is to too short to be miserable. You are already successful. So make sure you make yourself a priority as well as work. Don't let your job take up your whole life, or this job you love now will soon be a job you despise.

    Now...Suck it up, cupcake!
