Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Happy freaking HOLIDAYS

With it being the holiday season I keep seeing posts on Facebook and other places making statements and questioning the verbiage of "Seasons Greeting and Happy Holidays" vs. "Merry Christmas."  It is SUPER fucking irritating. Come on people, your rights are not being infringed upon AND you are not being discriminated against because society suggest that you not be an asshole and at least attempt to be inclusive. Christmas is the holiday of ONE religion.

No one is barring you from saying "Merry Christmas"; it just implies that you don't give a fuck about anyone else. Say it to whomever you want: family, friends, significant others BECAUSE you KNOW they celebrate that holiday. If you don't then why would you say it? It could offend someone who doesn't celebrate that specific holiday or isn't religious.

That's just it, do you have to say or write "Seasons Greetings or Happy Holidays?" Of course you don't, just don't be irritated when people think you're an asshole. The majority of the US population probably celebrates Christmas. Andy celebrates Christmas and he's an atheist. Everywhere you go there are symbols for Christmas; Santa Claus, Reindeer, CHRISTMAS trees. These are ALL Christmas decorations. I might be wrong but I don't think I'd see Santa Claus at Hanukkah or Kwanzaa.  Christmas is EVERYWHERE, it's just nice to be more inclusive of other people by not always singling out a specific holiday, during a time f the year where MULTIPLE holidays are celebrated.  Nobody is discriminating or prejudice against Christianity or Christmas by saying Seasons Greetings or Happy Holidays. Most people are just trying to not be douchebags about not knowing which holiday you celebrate.

That leads me to my issue with people are really offended at hearing, "Merry Christmas."  Unless, it's done with malicious intent and the person is purposely trying to offend someone; I think most people genuinely want you to be happy during this time of the year. When people say "Merry Christmas" to me I don't go on some tirade about "How dare you! You don't even know if I celebrate Christmas!!" I just say "Thank you. You too! :)" Do you know why? Because I'm not a giant douche! I'm gonna assume that individual with the Santa Claus hat was just trying to be nice.  I don't think anyone is going to say "Merry Christmas" with ill intent.

<Evil Voice> "Merry Christmas! I hope you get lots of presents and are really happy spending time with your family!"

Everyone needs to chill the fuck out! I'm gonna post "Merry Christmas" on the 25th of December on my Facebook page but I'll say "Happy Holidays!" in most writings and to people I don't know because I want to be inclusive. I think Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings incorporates all religions, even non- religious people and it's just plain nice. We are a melting pot and collection of multiple traditions, religions and cultures which is why this Country is awesome; however, it's just plain rude to assume things about someone's life. It's also rude to not be a nice person! :D


1 comment:

  1. AWESOME, Mayra, Mayra Flesner! Happy FREAKING Holidays to you and yers!
